All our services are operating normally right now and all delayed transactions are available in-app.
We're working hard to get back to you as soon as possible
Posted Jul 14, 2020 - 08:21 UTC
All our services are operating normally right now and all delayed transactions are available in-app.
We're really busy right now but we're working to get back to you within the next few hours.
Posted Jul 13, 2020 - 22:22 UTC
All our services are operating normally right now.
Transactions you made earlier tonight are still delayed, and we expect to fix those in the next few hours.
We're monitoring the situation closely and we're about the issues earlier tonight.
We're really busy right now but we're working to get back to you within the next few hours.
Posted Jul 13, 2020 - 19:26 UTC
Bank transfers may have been delayed. If you have sent a bank transfer, please do not retry unless it has been returned to your account Card transactions were affected, if your card declined earlier it is now safe to retry. Transactions are still delayed so you might not see an instant notification and feed items for card transactions you made earlier. We expect these to be fixed in the next few hours
Posted Jul 13, 2020 - 19:18 UTC
We're getting all the information we need to fix this and will update the status page as soon as we can.
Posted Jul 13, 2020 - 18:39 UTC
We're getting all the information we need to fix this and will update the status page as soon as we can.
Posted Jul 13, 2020 - 18:12 UTC
We're getting all the information we need to fix this and will update the status page as soon as we can.